Gerald Tengler, CIO University Medicine Greifswald


I got to know and appreciate Claus Michael Sattler in my role as Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the University Medical Center Greifswald. His experience from countless projects is an exciting book for every customer to read and learn from. In many conversations, I have always been able to learn new aspects from his three specialist areas of IT infrastructure management, Industry 4.0 (digitalization / digital transformation) and data-driven management processes / data-driven management decisions. He is an IT manager who always thinks outside the box, analyzes and does not gloss over developments, but calls them by name. After his IT assessment, I was able to incorporate an extraordinary number of points into my strategy.

Dr. Claus Michael Sattler

P.O. Box 1142
28833 Weyhe

Phone: 0049 174 6031377


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