Digi.MAGIC - How can digital transformation solutions generate more leads and prospective buyers with the same marketing budget? "DIGI.MAGIC, your podcast that explains digital transformation simply!" How can digital transformation solutions generate more leads and prospective buyers with the same marketing budget? To the podcast: https://anchor.fm/digimagic/episodes/Wie-knnen-Lsungen-der-Digitalen-Transformation-bei-gleichbleibendem-Marketingbudget-mehr-Leads-und-Kaufinteressenten-generieren-e1mb0p1 In this DIGI.MAGIC podcast,...
Digi.MAGIC – How your website also utilizes your production machines with batch size 1 and more!
Digi.MAGIC - How your website also utilizes your production machines with batch size 1 and more! How your customers can control your machines via your website! https://anchor.fm/digimagic/episodes/Wie-Deine-Kunden-Deine-Maschinen-ber-Deine-Webseite-steuern-knnen-e1ku2pb In this DIGI.MAGIC podcast, I briefly present how customers can program machines through the intelligent use of individual methods of digital transformation and...
DIGI.MAGIC can now be heard on many podcast platforms!
DIGI.MAGIC can now be heard on many podcast platforms! DIGI.MAGIC, your podcast that explains digital transformation simply! can now be heard on many podcast platforms! The replication of my podcasts - DIGI.MAGIC, your podcast that explains digital transformation simply! - from my primary podcast platform Anchor to the podcast platforms...
Project report: Development of an analysis system for machine data (digital twin) of a medium-sized energy supplier
Project report: Development of an analysis system for machine data (digital twin) of a medium-sized energy supplier The initial situation Use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel for heavy goods vehicles No existing pipeline network in Germany / Europe No existing distribution network in Germany / Europe The...
Project report: Introduction of CRM for a medium-sized mechanical engineering company
Project report: Introduction of a cloud-based CRM system for a medium-sized mechanical engineering company in Germany The task Planning of commercial software Definition of internal and external business processes Definition of a mobile solution for service technicians Tender for commercial software Evaluation of the tender documents answered Bringing about a...
What is the DIGI.MAGIC interview format?
What is the DIGI.MAGIC interview format? "DIGI.MAGIC, your podcast that explains digital transformation simply!" What is the DIGI.MAGIC interview format? https://anchor.fm/digimagic/episodes/Was-ist-das-DIGI-MAGIC-Interview-Format-e1kmkr7 In this DIGI.MAGIC podcast, I briefly introduce how entrepreneurs can present their products and solutions in the digital transformation in my DIGI.MAGIC podcast. Are you in?
Project report: ERP implementation for a medium-sized mechanical engineering company
Project report: Introduction of a cloud-based ERP system / merchandise management system for a medium-sized mechanical engineering company in Germany The task Planning of commercial software Definition of internal and external business processes Definition of a mobile solution for service technicians Tender for commercial software Evaluation of the tender documents...
DIGI.MAGIC – Interview format
DIGI.MAGIC - Interview format Weyhe / Kaiserslautern - 29.06.2022 - The podcast format DIGI.MAGIC by Claus Michael Sattler, specialist for digitalization, digital transformation, Industry 4.0, Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Made in China 2025, is now being supplemented by an interview format....
DIGI.MAGIC – How digital transformation can make you a Formula 1 world champion!
DIGI.MAGIC - How digital transformation can make you a Formula 1 world champion! To the podcast: https://anchor.fm/digimagic/episodes/Wie-die-Digitale-Transformation-auch-Dich-zum-Formel-1-Weltmeister-machen-kann-e1kghhv "DIGI.MAGIC, your podcast that explains digital transformation simply!" In this DIGI.MAGIC podcast, I briefly present how telemetry data / machine data on the one hand and position data on the other can turn...
Do you want or need to digitize your company?
Do you want or need to digitize your company? I am the problem solver at your side! My name is Claus Michael Sattler and I will help you to make your company fit for the digital future so that you can still operate successfully on the market in 10 years'...