Daily rates for interim managers 2025

Tagessätze Interim Manager 2025

As an interim manager, I have been observing developments in the field of interim management for years. One particularly interesting aspect of this is the daily rates of interim managers, which are constantly evolving and adapting to market conditions. In this article, we take a detailed look at the daily rates of interim managers in 2025 and analyze the trends influencing this development.

Current market situation

The market for interim management has experienced a number of ups and downs in recent years. After a phase of growth until 2023, 2024 saw a sideways movement [source: 2] [source: 4]. This development naturally also has an impact on the daily rates of interim managers.

Factors that influence the daily rates of interim managers

The daily rates of interim managers are influenced by various factors:

  1. Industry: Mechanical engineering and the automotive industry remain important areas for interim managers [source: 6]. In these sectors, daily rates could be slightly above average due to high demand.
  2. Company size: Interim managers are particularly in demand in medium-sized companies with 501-10,000 employees [source: 6]. This demand could stabilize daily rates in this segment.
  3. Experience and qualifications: Highly qualified interim managers with many years of experience, especially in management positions, can continue to demand higher daily rates [source: 3].
  4. Project duration: For longer-term projects, negotiations on reduced daily rates could take place [source: 3].
  5. Market situation: The general economic situation and the demand for interim managers directly influence the daily rates [source: 2].

Trends in daily rates for interim managers

  1. Differentiation by function: The daily rates of interim managers vary depending on the position. While technical experts or team leaders tend to be in the lower range of daily rates, interim managers at management or board level can achieve significantly higher daily rates [source: 5].
  2. Specialization: Interim managers with specific expertise in areas such as digitalization, sustainability or crisis management could charge above-average daily rates.
  3. Regional differences: In economically strong regions or conurbations, the daily rates for interim managers could be slightly higher than the national average.

The rule of thumb for daily rates for interim managers

A proven rule of thumb for calculating the daily rates of interim managers is: The daily rate should be around 1% of the annual salary that a permanent manager in a comparable position would receive [source: 1] [source: 5]. This rule takes into account the additional costs and risks that interim managers bear as self-employed persons.

Price-performance ratio of daily rates for interim managers

Despite the seemingly high daily rates for interim managers, it is important to consider the price-performance ratio:

  1. Fast implementation: Interim managers are often highly efficient and can implement projects faster than permanent employees [source: 3].
  2. Expertise on demand: Companies gain access to highly qualified specialists without having to make long-term commitments [source: 3].
  3. Flexibility: The ability to purchase expertise flexibly can be a great advantage for companies in dynamic markets.
  4. Cost savings: Although the daily rates for interim managers are higher than the costs for permanent employees, companies can save costs in the long term through the targeted use of interim managers [source: 5].

Challenges and outlook

The daily rates of interim managers will continue to fluctuate in the future. The following factors could influence the development:

  1. Economic uncertainties: In times of economic volatility, companies may rely more on interim managers, which could increase demand and potentially daily rates.
  2. Digitalization: The increasing demand for digital expertise could drive up daily rates for interim managers with the relevant skills.
  3. Globalization: Increasing international networking could lead to a harmonization of daily rates for interim managers on a global level.
  4. Regulatory changes: Legal changes in the area of self-employment or temporary work could have an impact on daily rates.


The daily rates of interim managers will remain an important indicator for the development of the interim management market in 2025. Interim managers in Germany position themselves with average daily rates as a highly qualified, flexible solution provider for companies.

It is becoming increasingly important for companies not to view the daily rates of interim managers in isolation, but in the context of the overall value contribution that an interim manager can make. The ability to quickly and effectively master challenges, implement changes and bring in specific know-how makes interim managers a valuable resource for companies of all sizes, despite their comparatively high daily rates.

As a market analyst, I expect the demand for qualified interim managers to continue to rise, which should keep daily rates at a stable level. Companies that know how to utilize the advantages of interim management will continue to benefit from this flexible form of corporate management in the future.


  1. https://eoexecutives.com/de/interim-management/interim-tagessatze-was-kostet-ein-interim-manager/
  2. https://www.deutscheinterim.com/blog/di-trendbarometer-drittes-quartal-2024
  3. https://lead-conduct.de/2023/11/24/interim-manager-tagessatz/
  4. https://ddim.de/studie/di-trendbarometer-1-quartal-2024-markt-fuer-interim-management-bewegt-sich-seitwaerts/
  5. https://www.interim-profis.com/fachartikel/tagessatz-interim-manager-zu-discountpreisen.html
  6. https://www.interim-profis.com/fachartikel/der-markt-waechst-interim-management.html
  7. https://www.gointerim.com/positive-entwicklung-im-interim-management-markt-auslastung-und-honorarvolumen-auf-rekordniveau/
  8. https://de.linkedin.com/pulse/interim-manager-2025-jobs-trend-marco-behnke-pwtke
  9. Image: ChatGPT
Dr. Claus Michael Sattler

P.O. Box 1142
28833 Weyhe

Phone: 0049 174 6031377

E-Mail: cms@sattlerinterim.com

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