Gendering and the economic problems

I was sent a suggested topic via LinkedIn and gave it some thought. My answer is: “That’s why the discussion about gendering, queer lifestyles and questioning the family is completely superfluous given the current economic problems in Germany and the current domestic political tension in Germany!”

Gendern und Digitalisierung

At a time when Germany is facing enormous economic challenges and political upheaval, the ongoing debate about gender, queer lifestyles and the questioning of traditional family structures seems almost absurd. As a citizen of our country, I am deeply concerned about the priorities we are setting as a society while the foundations of our economic and political stability threaten to crumble around us.

The economic situation: a wake-up call for reflection

According to current forecasts, Germany is facing a year of stagnation. The renowned German Economic Institute (IW) is forecasting a measly 0.1 percent economic growth for 2025 [source: 1]. In a situation like this, we should focus on the pressing economic problems instead of getting lost in debates about gender language.

Unemployment is rising and it is expected that we will have almost 3 million unemployed by 2025 [source: 1]. These are real problems that directly affect the lives of millions of Germans. While families fear for their financial future, we waste valuable time and resources discussing gender and redefining family structures.

Political turmoil: no time for distractions

The political landscape in Germany is in a state of upheaval. Following the collapse of the Ampel coalition in dramatic circumstances, the country is facing an early federal election on February 23, 2025 [source: 2]. In such a critical phase of political reorientation, it is downright negligent to focus on sideshows such as the gender debate.

Now more than ever, our country needs a stable and effective government that focuses on the key challenges. Discussing queer lifestyles and questioning the traditional family distracts from the real issues and creates unnecessary division at a time when we need unity and focus.

The industry in crisis: no room for ideological experiments

The situation of German industry is alarming [source: 1]. As an industrial nation, we are facing existential challenges. High energy costs, international competitiveness and the necessary structural change are issues that require our full attention. The debate about gender and alternative family models does nothing to solve these problems.

Instead, we should focus on how we can strengthen Germany as an industrial location and make it fit for the future. This requires pragmatic solutions and no ideological experiments.

The construction sector: an example of real problems

The construction industry, a key sector of the German economy, is suffering from high construction and financing costs [source: 1]. This has a direct impact on the housing market and therefore on the lives of many citizens. Instead of discussing gender-equitable language, we should be asking ourselves how we can create affordable housing – a problem that affects families of all kinds, regardless of their composition or sexual orientation.

Energy policy: real challenges instead of symbolic policy

The persistently high energy prices are a burden for companies and households alike [source: 3]. This is a concrete problem that urgently requires solutions. The discussion about gender and queer lifestyles does nothing to secure our energy supply or reduce costs.

Instead, we should focus on a sustainable and affordable energy policy that meets both ecological and economic requirements. These are the real challenges that we have to face as a society.

The education crisis: focus on essentials instead of ideology

Our education system is facing enormous challenges. Instead of getting lost in debates about gender-appropriate language in textbooks, we should focus on how we can improve the quality of education and prepare our children for the demands of a rapidly changing world of work.

The discussion about gender distracts from the real problems: Teacher shortages, outdated infrastructure and the need to teach digital skills. These are the issues that are really relevant for the future of our children and therefore for the future of Germany.

The demographic challenge: real problems instead of ideological debates

Germany is facing a massive demographic challenge. The ageing of society and the shortage of skilled workers are problems that urgently require solutions. The debate about questioning the traditional family does nothing to solve these problems.

Instead, we should be discussing how we can better support families – in whatever form – in order to cope with demographic change. This requires pragmatic approaches and not ideological trench warfare.

Strengthening innovative strength: no room for distractions

To be able to compete internationally, Germany must strengthen its innovative power. The discussion about gender and queer lifestyles distracts from the real challenges: How can we promote research and development? How can we create an environment that favors innovation?

These issues are crucial for the future viability of our country. They require our full attention and leave no room for debates that contribute nothing to solving the pressing problems.

Conclusion: time for pragmatism and a focus on the essentials

As a German citizen, I firmly believe that we need to focus on the key challenges in the current situation. The discussion about gender, queer lifestyles and questioning the family is simply superfluous in view of the economic and political problems we are facing.

We now need a clear focus on economic stability, political empowerment and future-oriented solutions. The gender debate and related issues are a distraction from the real issues and create unnecessary division at a time when we need unity and collective action.

It is time for us as a society to focus on the essentials and use our energy and resources where they are really needed. This is the only way we can master the challenges and shape a positive future for Germany.


  9. Image: ChatGPT
Dr. Claus Michael Sattler

P.O. Box 1142
28833 Weyhe

Phone: 0049 174 6031377


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