DIGI.MAGIC – Interview format

DIGI.MAGIC - Interview format Weyhe / Kaiserslautern - 29.06.2022 - The podcast format DIGI.MAGIC by Claus Michael Sattler, specialist for digitalization, digital transformation, Industry 4.0, Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Made in China 2025, is now being supplemented by an interview format....

DIGI.MAGIC – How digital transformation can make you a Formula 1 world champion!

DIGI.MAGIC - How digital transformation can make you a Formula 1 world champion! To the podcast: https://anchor.fm/digimagic/episodes/Wie-die-Digitale-Transformation-auch-Dich-zum-Formel-1-Weltmeister-machen-kann-e1kghhv "DIGI.MAGIC, your podcast that explains digital transformation simply!" In this DIGI.MAGIC podcast, I briefly present how telemetry data / machine data on the one hand and position data on the other can turn...

Why switch from just-in-time to just-in-case with digital transformation?

Why switch from just-in-time to just-in-case with digital transformation? Just-in-time is being replaced by just-in-case, as numerous newspapers and magazines have reported in recent days. Over the past two years, various events have led European companies, and German companies in particular, to slowly start rethinking their purchasing strategies. Exogenous and...

DIGI.MAGIC – What does your reach for your favorite strawberry yogurt reveal about you?

DIGI.MAGIC - What does your reach for your favorite strawberry yogurt reveal about you? To the podcast: https://anchor.fm/digimagic/episodes/Was-verrt-Dein-Griff-zu-Deinem-Lieblingserdbeerjoghurt-ber-Dich-e1iu49s "DIGI.MAGIC, your podcast that explains digital transformation simply!" In this DIGI.MAGIC podcast, I briefly present how customer tracking in supermarkets can be carried out just as successfully with digital transformation methods as...

Artificial intelligence in healthcare

Artificial intelligence in healthcare The book "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Developments, Examples and Perspectives" by editor Prof. Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel from the Neu Ulm University of Applied Sciences was published by Springer Gabler Verlag. I was able to contribute to this book alongside many other authors. Artificial intelligence...

Digitalization and success

Digitalization and success Digitization and success - Step by StepDigitization and success - Step by StepDigitization and success - Step by StepDigitization and success - Step by StepDigitization and success - Step by Step In projects, I am repeatedly asked whether we could just introduce digitalization (synonymous with digital transformation,...


TRANSFORMATION MITTELSTAND closes the gap f.l.t.r. Wolfgang Flüchter, Alexander Wobetzky, Claus Michael Sattler, Matthias Müller, Sven-Thorsten Buchweitz Announcement for Christmas! Dear customers,partnersand friends,valued LinkedIn contacts and XING contacts, Looking ahead to 2022, we can already make an announcement today that will please many entrepreneurs. At the beginning of this year,...

“Data garbage in, data garbage out?”

"Data garbage in, data garbage out?" In the digital transformation, there are two perspectives on reality. The physically tangible reality: the people, machines, tools, workpieces and processes. The data that people, machines, tools and workpieces generate during a process and map the digital twin. What did Prof. Dr. Karl Schmedders...